Guide for Authors

A Guide for the Authors of Strategic Discourse Quarterly"

A. A guide to preparing and editing an article

(1) The article must be a research and the result of the research work of the author or authors and has led to the production of new science and knowledge. The magazine welcomes articles extracted from doctoral dissertations, distinguished theses, and independent research projects if they include the principles and methods of research in the relevant field.

(2) The submitted article should not have been published in any domestic or foreign magazine in the past. The group of editors expects the respected authors not to send their article to another publication for publication until they receive the acceptance answer from the quarterly.

(3) The structure of the article should have the following sections:
(a) Title page: The title page should contain the title of the article, the author's name and surname, academic degree, place of employment, exact address, phone number, telephone number, e-mail address, and date. Send to be included.
(b) Abstract: It contains a summary of experimental or theoretical results of the author's research work. The content of this section should not exceed two hundred words. Avoid general and introductory discussions in the abstract. If Latin symbols or abbreviations are used in this section, they should be introduced in the text of the article. Avoid referring to sources in the abstract section. The abstract of the article should be written with a Lotus 10 pen, in one or two paragraphs.
(c) Keywords: up to five keywords related to the article should be listed in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
(d) General: It should include the following items:
    problem statement, importance and necessity of research, research question, research hypothesis, background and literature of the subject (this section should include scientific definitions, the latest theories and scientific discussions related to the subject of the article, the views of prominent experts and the background of the research should be presented), the research method (which should include the research method, the time and place of the research, the samples to be investigated, the introduction of the statistical population and the sampling method and the criteria for entering and exiting the topic under discussion, how to collect information, measurement tools and tests related statistics), research objectives, research organization.
 (e) Findings: Accurate results and important findings should be presented in accordance with scientific principles and using the necessary tables and graphs.
(f) Conclusions and suggestions: including the effects and significance of the research findings and the findings of other similar researches with an emphasis on the contradictions and their reasons, explaining the generalizability and scientific application of the findings and providing the necessary guidelines for the continuation of the research related to the subject, conclusions and possible suggestions. .

(4) The articles should be prepared in at least 15 and at most 25 pages, and if possible, they should be typewritten and presented in the form of quarterly articles and in the form of a magazine.
(5) The standard method in citations is the Quarterly Journal (APA). In writing the references related to the sources inside the text, the name of the author, the year of publication and the number of the page or pages used should be written in this way (Ayoob, 2007: 23-24). If the text used has more than one author, its citation should be as follows (Buzan, et. al, 2005: 45) or (Rezaian et al., 2014: 45-47).

(6) The order of bibliographic identifiers on the index page for articles, books, reports and other references should be as follows:
(a) Book: surname, author's name, (year of publication), book title, (translator's name), place of publication , publisher.
Authored Persian sample:
Kazemi, Ali Asghar (1369), The role of power in society and international relations, Tehran, Qoms Publishing.
Translated Persian example:
Baylis, Jan (2012), Strategy in the Contemporary World, translated by Kabek Khabeiri, Tehran, Abrar Contemporary International Cultural Institute of Tehran.
Latin example:
Buzan, Barry, (2004), The United States and the Great Powers, London, Polity.
(b) Article: last name, author's name, (month or season and year of publication), article title, publication title, number.
Persian example:
Naqibzadeh, Ahmed (Autumn 2007), Security issues and measures in France, Defense Strategy Quarterly, Year 6, Number 22.
Latin example:
Gat, Azar (July/August 2007), "The Return of Authoritarian Great Powers". Foreign Policy, Vol. 86, No. 4.
(c) Internet sources: last name, author's name, (date of publication), article title, website name or web page.
English example:
Swaine, Michel D. and Ashley J. Tellis (2000), Interpreting China's Grand Strategy, Past, Present, and Future, available at . 4.
Persian example:
Ajdar, Hossein (6/10/86), The Nature of Asymmetric War, accessible at:
(d) Theses: last name, author's name (history of defense), Dissertation title, university city name, faculty name.
Bay, Masoud, (2014), Authoritarianism in the Second Pahlavi Period, Tehran University, School of Law and Political Sciences.

Download the guide file for using the standard method in notation

(7) The figures and diagrams of the article must be original and of good quality. The main file of the figures must be provided under (Word-Excel). The size of the fonts, especially in the case of curves, should be chosen in such a way that they are legible after reducing the scale of the shape for printing. The titles of diagrams and figures should be written with black lotus 10 below them and the titles of tables should be written with black lotus 10 above them.
(8) In writing the text, the equivalent of the names of people or special terms should be given in the footnote of the same page.
(9) The priority in evaluating and publishing materials is with articles whose main focus is the defense affairs and conditions of J.A. It is Iran and while having a practical nature, they have also provided strategy.
(10) Articles should be typed using Word 2010 software and Lotus font 14 and sent through the quarterly system.
(11) Submitted content will not be returned.

b) Strategic Discourse Quarterly uses Samim Noor software to match articles.

It is necessary for the respected authors to use the Samim Noor system introduced below to send the matching report to the quarterly.

Dear authors, download the matching PDF report directly from the system below and send it along with other documents mentioned in the authors' guide.

P. Guide to registration and submission of articles in the quarterly system

Also, authors should use the following guide files to register in the system, as well as log in and submit articles.

Get the registration guide file in the system

Get the guide file for entering the system and submitting the article

T. According to the action of Strategic Discourse Scientific Quarterly to be indexed in international databases, registration and display of free ORCID ID and academic email is mandatory for all authors of articles (especially the responsible author). Therefore, respected authors are requested to obtain the ORCID researcher ID code before submitting the article to the journal.

Th. conflict of interest form

According to the new guidelines, it is necessary for all respected authors to send the conflict of interest form through the attached files of the article in addition to the main file of the article. The continuation of the article process will depend on the completion and submission of the mentioned forms.

Regarding the conflict of interest form

 c. Authors' commitment form (copyright)

 According to the new guidelines, it is necessary for all respected authors to send the author's intellectual property confirmation form and non-classification of the authors' content through the attached files of the article, in addition to the original file of the article. The continuation of the article process will depend on the completion and submission of the mentioned forms.

Commitment form confirming the intellectual property of the work and non-classification of the content


 H. Strategic discourse quarterly format

 Note: before submitting the article, the authors should receive the quarterly template file and modify their article according to it and then send it. Also, the number of words in the articles should not exceed 8000 words. Articles that do not comply with these two points will not be included in the evaluation process.

Regarding the format file of the strategic discourse quarterly

 H. Requirement to include the title of the sponsor of the article

Note: Respected authors/authors are obliged to mention the name of the sponsor at the end of the first page of the article if the article has a sponsor according to the rules of style of scientific publications of the country.

K. Archiving policy:

Published articles are archived on the journal's website and also indexed in several national and international databases around the world to increase readability and long-term digital preservation.

Also, the authors of articles are allowed to archive a copy of their published article in another repository of their choice. including the website of this publication.

These archives include the following:

  • Google scholar  
  • ISC etc...

Kh. It is worth mentioning that: the publication of articles in this magazine is done without receiving any fees from the author or authors