Strategies to Promote the Regional Power of Iran based on the Role of Military Geopolitical Factors in Yemen

Document Type : Original Article



¥Improving the regional power of the I.R of Iran, which is located in one of the strategic geopolitical regions of the world, is a required and necessary matter in order to provide the ground for the realization of the high goals of the system and the Islamic revolution. Geopolitical factors are the same factors of power which are considered as important components in acquiring and promoting the power of countries, and considering the extent of these components, the authors in this study paid attention to the military geopolitical component of power in order to achieve the purpose of the research, which is "providing strategies to promote the regional power of Iran based on the role of Yemen's military geopolitical factors. The research is an applied one and its approach is mixed with descriptive-analytical method. The data was collected via library and field methods (interviews and questionnaires), qualitative information was obtained through content analysis with the help of "MAXQDA" software and quantitative information was obtained using the analysis software; later quantitative data were analyzed. The validity of the questionnaire was calculated by content validity and reliability with Cronbach's alpha. The population of the statistical community comprises 45 people and sampling is done by non-random method equal to 40 people. Finally, from the findings of the research, strategies such as the development of military diplomacy and the improvement of the level of joint military cooperation with Yemen, the development and strengthening of military assistance and support for Yemen's Ansarullah in accordance with the environmental conditions, strengthening the non-governmental resilience and deterrence power, showing the role of military power in fulfilling the strategic achievements of Iran in the domestic, regional and international environment, and having full information about the consequences of actions, has been extracted.
